Felted Hats

Felt Like Making Hats with Alpaca Fiber from Our Spring Harvest! ( see what I did there?) This spring, we took on the fluffy mission of harvesting alpaca and sheep fiber, transforming our farm into a scene straight out of a Pixar movie. Think Cloudy with a Chance of Woolballs. Now, it’s time to put

Turquoise Reflections

Watercolor Wednesday Hello! Hope you are enjoying this wonderful day! I am glad to be sharing this quick view of my latest Patreon tutorial upload. The scene is a beautiful reflective water near a shore and a distant crop of trees. It feels like just the place I would like to sit and relax for

Old Central School – Art Residency- March 2023

March 2023 I am an Artist This is a complicated statement to make.  It’s been three months since I started this residency and the feeling that someone else might have been better suited to be here lingers in the back of my mind. Perhaps someone younger or with more talent.  It could be the lack